Congratulations New Students! 

You've made the necessary steps towards changing your future. Congratulations again. Here's what you have done already. You've:

Step 1    

Inquired about the opportunity

Step 2    


Step 3    

YOU ARE HERE! The next step is to complete your enrollment. Click here to complete your enrollment. Don't worry. You will be given a link which will allow you to return to this page for step 5 once you've completed step 3.

Step 4

Log in tomorrow to the Student Page (The password is New1)

Please read through the info below thoroughly before beginning your lesson. When you proceed to the student page, remember it has information for all students. Once you get there, you'll have four (4) things you will need to do to check in daily.

  1. Check the Message Board. Always scroll down to see what you may have missed.
  2. Check the Events calendar to see if something is coming up that you need to attend. Look for the class that you started.
  3. Check out the New Blog! There will be submissions a few times a week. Share it with others. Hopefully, they will decide to come on board.
  4. When yo scroll down the Student Page, you will see your Lessons/Quiz/Answers/Q&As tab. When the lesson is ready, It will change colors.

Passwords change from time to time. If I need to change the password for security reasons on the student page or otherwise, you will receive an email with instructions. All of the remaining passwords will be at the end of the prior lesson's page. Thank you in advance for staying current.

Note: Please try to stay on top of your lessons and do them within the 24 hours allotted. We have found that many students have a challenge with procrastinating. Once they begin that behavior inevitably things happen later on that prevent them from completing their assignment. Of course, that's when the excuses begin. That of course creates more work for the administrator and when multiple students are involved it is overwhelming. Therefore we had to institute some rules. If you've have missed a lesson you will need to pay $5 to have it reloaded.  It's pretty amazing that somehow students seem to find a way to get things done on time. You know how that goes. Money is a motivator. 

Certain extreme circumstances are understandable. Remember, you already have 24 hours to complete each lesson and it is only one hour of material. Complete your assignments early, then if anything happens you have some time to work around that challenge. It's an awful feeling when my students are frustrated and then of course I'm frustrated. Remember, life happens. In fact, most likely it will probably get a little crazy as you begin to work towards your goals. It's a part of paying your dues, however, don't allow "stuff" that happens to take control over you or your vision for the future.

Let's get focused and let's be consistent. Remember, we too have to do the same on our end to be sure you get your lessons on time.  

For technical Support call: 708-794-6362

Click here to see the student page...